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Eva x

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Hey everyone! I just got nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the amazing Joelle from cestchiclamode.blogspot.com You should check out her amazing blog :) really surprised I got nominated as I'm terrible at posting regularly! Thanks Joelle :)  

The Rules
- Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
- Let them know you have nominated them
- Share 7 random facts about yourself
- Thank the bloggers that have nominated you
- Add the versatile blogger award to your post

My Nominations
- thelittledandy.com
- paintedheels.blogspot.co.uk
- littlebearfound.blogspot.co.uk
- cathyinfairyland.blogspot.co.uk
- kmldandylion.blogspot.co.uk
- jessrosecloset.blogspot.co.uk
- therunwayrose.blogspot.co.uk
- scatterbrainedstylings.blogspot.co.uk
- aluminariumbetweenus.blogspot.co.uk
- philippaannem.blogspot.co.uk
- emwearsthings.blogspot.co.uk
- www.naturalbeings.blogspot.co.uk
- voguefeline.blogspot.co.uk
- lovewillsavecelia.blogspot.co.uk
- little-bravery.blogspot.co.uk

* Please note that these nominations are not in order of favourite, as I love all your blogs equally!

Well Done everyone who I nominated, You deserve it!

7 Facts
- Im half german (and fairly fluent in the language)

- I have an irrational fear of all bugs, except bees and wasps  which I dont mind (how weird is that?)

- I read more than 100 books every year, and last week I read a 500 page book in 2 hours!

- My favourite smell is vanilla

- My favourite flowers are bluebells and wild crocuses

- My friends call me 'Sweet Ginger Miracle'... (i know, it worries me too...)

- I cried when we watched Romeo and Juliet in school

Thanks for reading my blog everyone and dont forget to follow me!

Eva x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination doll :) You're awesome. I'm following your blog now.



